Radiating Rays Ornament

Eleonora Mück

Breathwork Facilitator

About me

Hi, I am Eleonora! I am a certified Shamanic Breathwork facilitator and fascinated by holistic bodywork. I believe when we combine ritual with bodywork, we invite magic to happen. I am also training with the breath and bodywork modalities of Osho Diamond Breath and Osho Pulsation.

am·brosian, adjective:

divine, worthy of the gods. Just like you.


Sessions and workshops to reconnect you to your body and soul

Somatic Breathwork

Shamanic Breathwork®

In Shamanic Breathwork we use a simple but effective breathing technique (Conscious Connected Breathing) to leave our everyday consciousness and to connect to our bodies and inner world.

Our breath activates our life energy and allows us to explore our inner landscapes. Gently we invite emotions, movements and energies to move through the body and to express themselves. Together we will create a container in which you can give yourself permission to show yourself just as you are in this moment.

Everything that wants to show itself is welcome and we embrace our weird, wonderful, messy humanity. If we like, we can make ourselves available to feel a deep connection to something higher than ourselves.

Go on a Journey...

After a brief introduction into the breathing technique you will get comfortable on your mat. I will guide you into an one-hour breath journey with a guided meditation and my drum. Music specifically designed to lead you through your body will support your experience. During the journey I will hold loving space for you and offer (with your permission) gentle touch to support your process. Immediately after being called back by the sound of drums you will have the opportunity to express yourselves in a little art process followed by processing.

  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Value: 90€ opening offer 60€
  • Where: your home in Berlin

Somatic Breathwork

In a somatic Breathwork session we focus on releasing tensions and emotions from your body. I will guide you in gently using your breath to soften the armor around your body while respecting the needs of your nervous system. We can dedicate a session to

  • The whole body
  • Specific body parts (e.g. the pelvis or jaw)
  • Specific energetic centers (Chakras)

I will guide and encourage you to tune in and sense whatever is alive in your body and emotional system. Together we will explore how breath, movement, touch and sound can allow stagnant energies and supressed emotions to move again, be expressed and find balance.

There is no pressure, only invitation. Your system will only soften into healing when it feels safe and has the capacity to cope with whatever wants to be seen and felt.

Feel to Heal

A regular Breathwork practice gradually increases this capacity. You can learn how to release and contain difficult emotions and sensations simply by giving space to them. Grief, sadness, anger and anxiety are all part of the human experience. When we embrace them, they show us their wisdom and leave our system naturally. We also open the door to more relaxation, joy, spaciousness and pleasure.

We start and finish in meditation to integrate the experience. Best results are achieved with five or more regular sessions.

  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Value: 90€ opening offer 60€
  • Where: Online or your home in Berlin

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“What is the body? That shadow of a shadow of your love, that somehow contains the entire universe.”



Hand Gesturing a Heart

“The breathwork process helped me to deeply remember and reconnect with my physicality. Eleonora held the space so beautifully, warmly and consciously, which really allowed me to just trust and go with whatever came up. I experienced such an intense journey including movement, joy, spontaneous laughter and tender painful tears.”


“Eleonora gave me truly great guidance throughout our session! Since I had no previous experience with Breathwork, it was even more important that she managed to create an environment of trust, comfort and openness that allowed me to connect deeply with my body and intuitively explore all kinds of exciting impulses such as movements, (breath) sounds and emotions. I can only recommend trying it out for yourself!”.


“My first Breathwork experience ever really touched me. The session with Eleonora was a joyful and warm journey through my mind, body & emotions. A helpful and delightful experience which I remember with immense gratitude.”


"Eleonora set and held a beautiful space for my breathwork sessions with her. I felt safe and taken care of at all times and she supported me and my body very attentively and intuitively throughout the journey."


Venus Rising’s Soul Purpose is to co-create a worldwide tribe, dedicated to love, wisdom, transformation, and personal freedom

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Copyright © 2024 Eleonora Mück


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Eleonora Mück

Hans-Böhm-Zeile 37

14165 Berlin

Vertreten durch:

Eleonora Mück


E-Mail: info@ambrosian.de

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Eleonora Mück

Hans-Böhm-Zeile 37

14165 Berlin


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